Olivia Perla
Material provided in block plates, (burning, bocciardato, coated, carved, engraved).
Additional characteristics
Other products of STONE Albania
Material provided in block plates, (burning, bocciardato, coated, carved, engraved).
STONE ALBANIA firm, has started its activity in 1988 in the city of Vlora.
They are specialized in Greece for processing all kinds of marble and granite. After several years of successful work the firm changed its name to Stone Albania they expanded their activities by opening the Cave, Grey Stone Olivia, Olivia Blond, Olivia Pearl material and ensure it from Laberia Mountains Vlore, Albania.
With this stone besides numerous works he has done in the entire country, also has long-term contracts with strong firms in Italy, Greece, America, China, India, Korea, Brazil, Sigapur.
Olivia Stone material provided in block plates, (burning, bocciardato, coated, carved, engraved). The Firm assures transport, project and implementation of major projects, besides our material all kinds of marble and granite materials.