The company "Architecture Stone" offers a full range of services in manufacturing of standard and exclusive products of natural and artificial stone, mostly marble, granite, agglomerate on the basis of quartzite. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF THE COMPANY INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS: Facing buildings: socle, front, sills Finishing with stone: floors and walls with polishing and laying of plinth. Facing steps, entrances, parapet, bearing walls and fences: marble, granite, agglomerate on the basis of quartzite, sandstone. Paving grounds, private courtyards with pavestones and sidewalk blocks of different finish and texture. Window sills of all shapes and sizes of marble, granite, agglomerate Fireplaces and interior decor of stone Countertops (kitchen, bathroom, bar counters) of quartzite, marble Balusters, railings, columns of marble, granite Laying tiles made of natural and artificial stone.