UkrainePoltava region39631, 85 A, Kyivska vul., Kremenchug, Poltavska obl., 39631(0536)Categories:Products of stone
UkrainePoltava region39623, 3, Zanasypsky shlyakh, Kremenchuh, Poltavska obl., Ukraine, 39623(0536)Categories:Quarrying/Products of stone
- Architectural elements: balusters, columns, pedestals, fireplaces etc.
- Architectural elements: covering tiles, platbands, plinths etc.
- Balusters.
- Columns.
- Composite processing.
- Cutting out of curvilinear surfaces according to customer`s draws.
- Drilling of openings.
- Fireplaces.
- Granite slabs according to customer`s order.
- Grinding of surfaces and butt-ends of any products.
- Heat treatment of tile.
- Kitchen tableboards with opening for sink.
- Manufacturing of monuments according to customer`s draws
- Modular granite facing tiles of various size.
- Paving stones sledged, sawn-sledged: 100õ100õ100, 200õ100õ100, 75õ75õ75.
- Polishing of surfaces and butt-ends of any products.
- Processing of edges, polishing with right angle and with facet.
- Profiling edges on footsteps, banisters, window-sills etc.
- Tables, barcounters etc.
UkraineZhytomyr region12110, 1-A, Geologiv per., Irshansk, Volodarsk-Volynsky r-n, Zhytomyrska obl., Ukraine, 12110Categories:Products of stone
UkraineTernopil region46000, 11, Polisska str., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46000(0352)Categories:Products of stone
UkraineZhytomyr region01135, 16, Granitna str., Zhytomyr
UkraineKyiv02160, 4, Regeneratorna vul., Kyiv, Ukraine, 02160(044)Categories:Products of stone/Services
- Building Envelope - Honeycomb Stone Panel
- Building Envelope - Honeycomb Stone Panels
- Building Envelope - Stone Honeycomb Panel
- Building Envelope - Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Building Envelopes - Honeycomb Stone Panel
- Building Envelopes - Honeycomb Stone Panels
- Building Envelopes - Stone Honeycomb Panel
- Building Envelopes - Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Curtain Wall - Honeycomb Stone Panel
- Curtain Wall - Honeycomb Stone Panels
- Curtain Wall - Stone Honeycomb Panel
- Curtain Wall - Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Curtain Walls - Honeycomb Stone Panel
- Curtain Walls - Honeycomb Stone Panels
- Curtain Walls - Stone Honeycomb Panel
- Curtain Walls - Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Facade Wall Cladding - Honeycomb Stone Panels
- Facade Wall Cladding - Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Facade Wall Cladding - Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Facade Wall Cladding - Stone Honeycomb Panel
- Facade Wall Panels - Honeycomb Stone Panel
- Facade Wall Panels - Honeycomb Stone Panels
- Facade Wall Panels - Stone Honeycomb Panel
- Facade Wall Panels - Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Honeycomb Stone Panel for Curtain Wall Envelope
- Honeycomb Stone Panel for Curtain Walls
- Honeycomb Stone Panel for Facade Envelope
- Honeycomb Stone Panels
- Honeycomb Stone Panels for Facade Wall
- Honeycomb Stone Panels for Wall Cladding
- Stone Cladding - Honeycomb Stone Panel
- Stone Cladding - Honeycomb Stone Panels
- Stone Cladding - Stone Honeycomb Panel
- Stone Cladding - Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Stone Honeycomb Panel
- Stone Honeycomb Panel for Curtain Wall
- Stone Honeycomb Panel for Curtain Wall Envelope
- Stone Honeycomb Panel for Curtain Walls
- Stone Honeycomb Panels
- Stone Honeycomb Panels for Curtain Walls
Chinaxiamen36100, UNIT1211,12F,NO.567,QIANPU EAST ROAD,SIMING DISTRICT,XIAMEN,CHINACategories:Quarrying/Products of stone
ChinaXiamenRoom1837, NO.863, Xiahe Road, Siming Dist.(0086 59)Categories:Quarrying/Products of stone
UkraineZaporizhzhya region70050, 30, Zelena vul., Kamyanyi pos., Vol`nyanskyi r-n, Zaporizhska obl., UkraineCategories:Quarrying/Products of stone
UkraineKyiv region08500, s. Yaroshivka, Fastivskyi r-h, Kyivska obl., Ukraine, 08500(04465)Categories:Quarrying/Products of stone
- Any dimensions and quantity.
- Basalt paving stones 10x10x10, 8x8x8, 10x10x5 Sawn, sledged, sawn, flamed.
- Basalt.
- Individual approach to each customer, reasonable prices, guaranteed quality.
- decoration, delivery and installation.
- of basalt according to customers dimensions.
- stellas, pedestals, flower-beds etc.
UkraineRivne region33022, 2, Chernyaka vul., Rivne, Ukraine, 33022(0362)Categories:Products of stone/Services
ChinaFujian36100, 601 Building Lianyueli N0.306 Xianyue road , Xiamen China.Categories:Quarrying/Products of stone
- Станок ЧПУ для резки`Polywire 5/34` Pellegrini
- Станок ЧПУдля резки ` Polywire 5/16` Pellegrini
- Cтанок `Fresamatic`,для резки и фрезировки.
- RAVELLI (Станки серии SYRMA)
- RAVELLI (Станки серии TEOREMA)
- Бурильная установка `HORIZON` Pellegrini
- Гидравлические клинья `HYDROSPLIT HS-230 `
- Гидроцилиндры `TITANO ` Pellegrini
- Деррик-кран Pellegrini
- Канат для резки бетона Italia
- Канат для резки гранита Italia
- Канат для резки гранита Italia
- Канат для резки гранита (карьерный) Italia
- Канат для резки мрамора Italia
- Канат для резки мрамора Italia
- Канат для резки мрамора (карьерный) Italia
- Канат для резки мрамора (карьерный) Italia
- Канат каленый Italia
- Канатные пилы `ТD 25,ТD 45-55-65 , ТD 80 (-100) ,TDD 100-120 Super `
- Козловой кран Pellegrini
- Многофункциональная машина `FB 80 - FB 220 ` Pellegrini
- Подушки пневматические `Pellegrini`
- Пресс гидравлический `2P/S 1300*800`, V.R.F - Italia
- Система ЧПУ `Robot wire 1600-2600` Pellegrini
- Система для шлифовки `Waterstorm-master ` Pellegrini
- Станки для производства плит `DOUBLE TOP`,`Pentawire `
- Станки для раскола `PSM 200\ 200-S , PSM 240/320/400`, V.R.F - Italia
- Станки для резки `DF PLUS 2000-2500 `, Pellegrini
- Станки для резки блоков `DF 2000-2500-3000-3500 `
- Станок `B80-DH`,обработка бардюров Pellegrini
- Станок `Brush 80-220 ` Pellegrini
- Станок `GTM 1600`,резка мрамора,GASPARI MENOTTI
- Станок `IDEA 90 EVO`,резка изделий
- Станок для раскола`MSM 400/500/500S`, V.R.F - Italia
- Станок для раскола`PSM 250`, V.R.F - Italia
- Станок для распиловки `Pentawire 5/5 AT`, Pellegrini
- Станок для распиловки`Diablo72` Pellegrini
- Станок для резки `CHAIN TRONIC CH 60`
- Транспортеры и манипуляторы, Italia
- Установка для бурения `SLIM BAR` Pellegrini
- Установка для бурения `SLIM DRILLER` Pellegrini
- Установки для бурения `TBC 90/2`, `HD-TBC 90/2` Pellegrini