Kota Brown Limestone Slabs & Tiles
We are one of the leading processors and Manufacturers of all varities of NATURAL STONES(Sandstones, Limestones, Slates, Mosaics, Marbles, Granites and Value added products.) available in India . As we do have latest technology Gang Saws, Calibration Machines, Sandblasted Technology, Edge Cutting Machineries, Polishers and other allied facilities, we may export or supply exportable quality materials in quantity and quality as per desired sizes , finishes and thickness within scheduled time.
As our factory is situated at N.H. No-3 (Agra-Bombay Road) and near ICD Malanpur (near Gwalior) which enables transportation very easy to near by port or any destination of India. Our factory is also being surrounded by heavy deposits mining areas of export quality stone, we do keep every time ready stocks of stone blocks, slabs and tiles in different finishes and thickness , whick help us in quick delivery of desired materials at most competetive prices.
Our services to our buyers are most satisfactory which helping us to build big chain of satisfied customers.
As our factory is situated at N.H. No-3 (Agra-Bombay Road) and near ICD Malanpur (near Gwalior) which enables transportation very easy to near by port or any destination of India. Our factory is also being surrounded by heavy deposits mining areas of export quality stone, we do keep every time ready stocks of stone blocks, slabs and tiles in different finishes and thickness , whick help us in quick delivery of desired materials at most competetive prices.
Our services to our buyers are most satisfactory which helping us to build big chain of satisfied customers.
Додаткові характеристики

45, Banmore Industrial Area, Banmore Morena Madhya Pradesh India
We are Quarry Owner, Manufacturer / Processor & Exporter of Indian Natural Stones, especially Sandstones, Limestones & Slates. Our products include Blocks, Slabs, Tiles, Mosaics, Wall Panels, Cobbles, Landscaping, Wall Cladding, Steps & Risers, etc. in different finishes in almost every color.We offer best quality at very competitive prices within scheduled time, with the main motto of client satisfaction.
Other products of PRABHU STONES PVT. LTD.
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