Shanxi Black Granite Angel with Heart Tombstone
As Customer's size and design.We produce both China domestic granite and Indian granite for monuments.Our monuments are in both European ( Italy,Poland,Germany, UK, Norway, Sweden, etc) and American Styles
Додаткові характеристики

No. 555 Longhushan Road, Suite 702 , Xiamen, Fujian , China 361005
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: інші вироби
Price: unlistedCategory: столи, стільниці
Price: unlistedCategory: раковини, басейни
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: фонтани
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: пам`ятники
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: раковини, басейни
Price: unlistedCategory: плитка
Price: unlistedCategory: штучний камінь
Price: unlistedCategory: будівельні роботи
Our products are regularly exported to Europe , the United States , Canada and many other countries.
Our products are for interior and exterior use, and include granite slabs and tiles, counter and vanity tops, sinks, construction stone products(cubes, curbstone, pavements, etc), landscaping products (balls, flower pots, fountains, stone benches, etc), slate and cultured stone, and monuments in both European and American styles.Additionally, artificial marble and and quartz slabs are available.