10004, 22, Nepokorenykh vul., s. Dovzhyk, Zhytomyrskyi r-n, 10004, Ukraine
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- Architectural elements - Quarrying of gabbro Blocks of Yampolske deposit (v.Buky) - Footsteps. window-sills. Tables - Tombstones of gabbro and other kinds of granite of any complexity - Fountains - Banisters. Facing Tiles of any size. Balusters. Vases.
- Quarrying of gabbro Blocks of Yampolske deposit (v.Buky)
- Footsteps. window-sills. Tables
- Tombstones of gabbro and other kinds of granite of any complexity
- Fountains
- Banisters. Facing Tiles of any size. Balusters. Vases.