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  • MayerStones

    Kőbányai utca 16.Üröm 2096 Pest Hungary
    +36-26-351-491 fax:+36-26-351-491
    pavings are quarried in our own delphs. In our Ezüsthegy Delph
    quartz-sandstone, in our Budakalászi Delph limestone and in our Üröm
    Delph calcaerous marls are quarried. All three mine pits are our own
    properties. The whole production process is carried out int he
    delphs, from the first steps to the finishing touches.

    mud and clay mud used to be formed int he sea at the same time due to
    the special climatic circumstances. This process created the so
    called Buda Marl. When this rock gets moisture it turns to be an
    aquitard, however it is advisable to impregnate against wogs and due
    to easier cleaning. The colour of the rock is determinated by the
    ratio of two and three valance iron elements.

    Ezüsthegy sandstone was formed  in a sea environment in the
    Oligocene. It has a rusty, silvery, somewhere white into dark
    yellowish colour. It is built up from small pebbles alone. Int he old
    times millstones and whetstones were produced from this sandstone.
    Its’ processing is still made by hand: it is still split and carved
    by hand. Due to its high quartz content the mechanized processing of
    this rock is very costly. Plinths of churches, villas, mansions,
    several femces and buttresses and later whole public facilities,
    facades and institute buildings were built from this stone. The
    buildings recently built from the quartz-sandstone evoke the
    historical times.

    limestone was formed in a relatively long and narrow freshwater lake
    during the Pleistocene ice age. From the relatively high pressure
    waters of the lukewarm springs effusing to the surface calcium
    carbonate precipitated due to the loss of pressure. A rich
    vegeatation occured in these waters. The plants extracted the rest of
    the CO2 from
    the waters. The calcium-carbonate precipitated ont he brenches and
    leaves of the plants, but this exterminated the vegetation int he
    lake. The soft parts of the plants decayed and the space left after
    the plants are very typical int he fresh water limestones (also
    called traverintes). Its’ colour can be white, yellow, brown and
    • Services
    • building works
    • MayerStones
      Kőbányai utca 16.Üröm 2096 Pest Hungary
      +36-26-351-491 fax:+36-26-351-491