Travertino Classico Venatino, Travertino Classico Travertine Block
Travertino Classico Venatino
Available in blocks, different quantity.
size 280/300 x 120/150
Available in blocks, different quantity.
size 280/300 x 120/150
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Other products of Aretina Marmi Srl
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The firm collaborates both with workshops and retailers, with construction companies or architects specialized in the realization and designing of every kind of inside furniture, stairs, funerary art, even the most particular manufactures.
Workings have been executed with the help of modern machineries under numerical control which guarantee the best qualitative level both for the "tailor-madeà productions and the standard ones.
Nowadays our company could be described as a fact which has reached an excellent medium-high clientage thanks to the quality of the manufactured product, to the technologies being employed in the work with up-to-date equipment and last but not least the short time of waiting.
It is offered the suitable solution according to the clientsâ² desires.
Aretina Marmi has recently bought at quarry in Peru from with extract several qualities of travertine.
Finally, the firm is operating both in the National, European and some Asiatic circuits.