Red Wine Granite
We are manufacturing and supplying Red Wine Granite that is adding flavors of aesthetics in the interior of any building. It has glossy surface, excellent finishing and strength, these granites are suitable for their application in interior as well exterior of the living room, floors and buildings.
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Other products of Prem Granites & Marble
We are one of the leading manufacturer & Exporter of Indian Natural Stones. We are exporting Premium Quality Granite Slabs (Gangsaw, mini gangsaw & cutter) , Tiles, Cut to Sizes, Kitchen Counters, Marbles and few other Natural Stones to the various parts of the World. We are emphasizing much on the Quality of the Product with competitive Prices and the rapid delivery of the goods. We have adequate acquaintance of the colors, thickness and sizes moving in different countries along with the few special Documentary requirements for the Shipment.
We also supply few colors like Absolute Black, Black Galaxy, Black G-20, Imperial Red, Kashmir White, Redmulticolor, Tan Brown, Shivakashi, Ivory Brown, Juperana, Paradiso Classico and few other colors on large scale for Projects in various thickness and sizes as per Customer requirements.
So, please feel free to call or write us for any clarifications.
Best Regards,
PREM GraniteS & MarblE
HS 218, Ittina Neela, Andrapura Village,
Huskur Gate, Near Electronic City,
265 Rabindra Sarani,
3rd Floor, Block â D, Bichwadi,
Kolkata â 700007, (W.B.)
Mob : 0091 9972882200 / 0091 9341940202
Tel / Fax : 0091 33 22744158
Tel / Fax : 0091 80 42193330
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